FEED that soul shine

(with love & inspiration)

building four winds with my beauty-FULL energy worker, Kevin up in the creek. sending dreams to the world through graffiti. treating myself to blooming tea (and believe me, roses really don’t smell like poo, pooo, poo – though i do love you Outkast!). reading words of inspiration from my beautiful yogi community each day on the chalkboard of LOVE. surrounding myself with friends capable of painting that beautiful all-seeing tree pictured above. exploring the mountains that honor me with their powerful presence each and every day.

the universe constantly sends out love and blessings, but you also must seek them out. don’t expect everything to simply fall in your lap – in order to find the light, you must begin to seek the light. if you listen closely, the universe alwaysresponds to those calls for love. it’s just a matter of hearing which directions it points you in, walking, gliding, or flowing down that path, and trusting in its ability to carry you through.

it’s all inside of you already, you’ve just forgotten. unlearn the linear manifestation, relearn your divine nature. you are the universe; listen to yourSelf, bless yourSelf, love yourSelf. BIG love.

In the moon of …

In the moon of the budding trees
I was gifted new eyes to see
All of the shifting shape and ways you can be
Wake the dreams into realities
Wake the dreams into realities

Sunset diamonds trickle down our cheeks
The language of no words is how we speak
Pacha Mama spinning firelight
and a Little Bear singing by the fireside
Out of this city with the wind on our neck
That’s us whistling upon your neck
Moonlit diamonds sparkle into my mouth
Feels like hunger and it tastes like salt
Feels like hunger and it tastes like salt

So, tap me out and tap me into you
Heal my brain and my body too
Balance my chemistry hydrate these cells
Cuz the body talks and the meditation helps
The body talks and meditation helps
The body talks and meditation helps

A little bit of cinnamon pours as we snoot
All up on my shit in the morning commute.
Coastal quiver on a quest through the dunes
Sandy toes and bottomless curves of the moon
Heavy lifting for Pele’s children
Hand of the goddess soaking cliffs keep building
Plate is full but appetite has dwindled
I feel a little sick so I keep the fire kindled

You the pillar steadfast light of bravery
And I the dimly burning candle still shaking
Riddled fear quiver my bones so easy!
Well, you’re the guru now so visualize healing
Yeah, you’re the guru now so visualize leaving.

Let her go for she can no longer feed you
And many children need that mana creature
Just barely missed you I was finally ready!
But you are a long gone too much heavy history
Yeah you are a long gone too much heavy history
Let go of blame that shit will never serve me!
Bless other men investigate your mystery

So, tap me out and tap me into you
Heal my brain and my body too
Balance my chemistry hydrate these cells
Cuz the body talks and the meditation helps
The body talks and meditation helps
The body talks and meditation helps

Little spider weaves a wispy web
And stumbling through the woods it catches to my head
She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets
Dragonfly wiz by and sings now teach it
Yeah, dragonfly wiz by and sings now teach it
Form on the trail I watch you head up mauka
I turn makai and whisper, “thank you sister”
Edge of the west where water touches land
You are the east with folded maps in hand
Time to increase my frequency!
Hands of light and bodies talking
Gimme some of that wild fox medicine!
But, keep me here in this wild present tense
Fully supported on new lovers chest
Dawning adventures sparkle get some rest!
Dawning adventures sparkle get some rest!

So, tap me out and tap me into you
Heal my brain and my body too
Balance my chemistry hydrate these cells
Cuz the body talks and the meditation helps
The body talks and meditation helps
The body talks and meditation helps

– Nahko and Medicine for the People

tell me what this tells YOU! big love.


No, although it would be amazing if I made a time machine and used it to experience the three days of peace and music I’m sure you’re thinking of, I did not go to Woodstock (the concert) last week, but to Woodstock, Vermont. One of my oldest friends has a house up there and is living there with his sister for the rest of the summer. Just as I was leaving for New Hampshire that Wednesday morning, my friend called me and asked if I wanted to go visit Dylan in VT for the night, and seeing as I was already heading in that direction, I couldn’t pass up that offer! Their house is unreal, on the top of a hill surrounded by farms. Looking further out on the horizon, all you see is beautiful Vermont mountains. I love Vermont!


hello Alli!


Oasis with Alli

So I didn’t end up going back to Burlington last weekend, but with the spirit of adventure still kicking inside of me, I left on Wednesday to visit Alli in NH and head up north for a hike. Originally, we planned a 4 hour hike, but due to our lack of a sense of direction, inability to believe the GPS, and the need to make it to New London for a delicious, nutritious dinner cooked by Alli’s beautiful friend Gretchen, we ended up hiking for about a total of an hour and a half. It was a perfect hike, nonetheless. We did a loop that ended up being a little under 4 miles, but at the halfway, we discovered an oasis. Rounding a corner, we came upon this beautiful pond:

…and made friends with Keith and Rob! We stayed here for hours, it was so difficult to turn our backs on our sanctuary. However, we had to move on as we had a lot of driving and more adventures ahead!

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Hope you think it’s as beautiful as I do!

P.S. Alli and I didn’t mean to match our clothes!

Loon for a Night

Of course I brought my Nikon on our adventure to Loon! Here are some photos from the joyous twenty-four hours.

Away for the Day

A bunch of my closest friends from school, surprisingly, live around home. One of my friends, Alli, lives in Manchester, New Hampshire but she just got back on Wednesday from a six week treck through New Zealand. SO jealous! I wish I was the one just returning home from NZ! Anyway, since she just got home, we decided to get together with our friends from Boulder around here for a little reunion. Lucky for us, Nancy was going to her condo at Loon Mountain for the weekend with her boyfriend and invited us to all come join! It was absolutely beautiful up there, a little oasis. Right behind her house was a large river running down from the mountains and in that particular spot, it was a huge, calm pool. The water was so refreshing and the area was stunning. We were so lucky to be able to spend time with our friends up there, relaxing on the water, and listening to oldies. What did you do this weekend?

“A human being is a part…

“A human being is a part of a whole, called by us a universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest … a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

-Albert Einstein

Turns out he wasn’t just book smart.