“Remember who y…

“Remember who you are,
and what you came to do.
Soak it all in,
whatever you do.”

– Shen

this place we are in is a school of unlearning. you (and i) have been taught you whole life to understand and operate within linear space and time. past, present, and future. these are the spaces which we occupy. BUT if you remember who you are (a light being) and what you came to do (create a more peaceful world & exist in now), you’ll be able to soak everything in in a way that human sense perceptions alone could never imagine. sending BIG love and light to you all. 

Love is from th…

Love is from the infinite, and will remain until eternity.
The seeker of love escapes the chains of birth and death.
Tomorrow, when resurrection comes,
The heart that is not in love will fail the test.

– Rumi

falling into love also is falling out of the constrains of physical manifestation. can you dream of it? i can. i do. every day. BIG love.

FEED that soul shine

(with love & inspiration)

building four winds with my beauty-FULL energy worker, Kevin up in the creek. sending dreams to the world through graffiti. treating myself to blooming tea (and believe me, roses really don’t smell like poo, pooo, poo – though i do love you Outkast!). reading words of inspiration from my beautiful yogi community each day on the chalkboard of LOVE. surrounding myself with friends capable of painting that beautiful all-seeing tree pictured above. exploring the mountains that honor me with their powerful presence each and every day.

the universe constantly sends out love and blessings, but you also must seek them out. don’t expect everything to simply fall in your lap – in order to find the light, you must begin to seek the light. if you listen closely, the universe alwaysresponds to those calls for love. it’s just a matter of hearing which directions it points you in, walking, gliding, or flowing down that path, and trusting in its ability to carry you through.

it’s all inside of you already, you’ve just forgotten. unlearn the linear manifestation, relearn your divine nature. you are the universe; listen to yourSelf, bless yourSelf, love yourSelf. BIG love.

toilets telling stories



hey all! today i’m sharing with you an article written by one of the most powerful, inspiring, wise women i know, Alli Sarazen (featured previously here). she just spent four months traveling through Nepal and India while studying abroad, and wrote this powerful piece about toilets and their metaphorical representation of the world’s current state. please, READ it. not only would she love to see more people reading it, but it is truly an inspiring piece and will probably teach you something – maybe just that you want to clean your toilet, but hey, you’re still impacting YOUR world when you do that. share it with the people you love, share it with the people you hate, share it with all those in between for this article can EFFECT POSITIVE CHANGE, and after all, that’s what we’re here for, isn’t it? let me know what you think of it in the comments! she’d love to hear some feedback as she continues to write for them. BIG love.

f(EYE)nd INSPIRation EVERYwhere. ❤