The Res

Inthisphoto: Marissa Lampe

This is one of my favorite photographs that I took this summer. No, she is not naked… she has a bathingsuit on, it’s just difficult to see. Marissa is my best friend; she is beautiful inside and out and has more compassion for other people than anyone I know. This photo was taken at the resovoir, which is where we spend many days throughout the summer. It’s filled with beautiful, fresh water that we go swimming in and has a silo in it that we all jump off of. Sadly, this past summer it has become much more popular and it’s not always as empty as we like it, but generally, if there are other people there and we stick around long enough, they’ll leave.

Speaking of resovoirs, for any of you who have not already seen Resovoir Dogs, I would recommend going to watch it.