
No, although it would be amazing if I made a time machine and used it to experience the three days of peace and music I’m sure you’re thinking of, I did not go to Woodstock (the concert) last week, but to Woodstock, Vermont. One of my oldest friends has a house up there and is living there with his sister for the rest of the summer. Just as I was leaving for New Hampshire that Wednesday morning, my friend called me and asked if I wanted to go visit Dylan in VT for the night, and seeing as I was already heading in that direction, I couldn’t pass up that offer! Their house is unreal, on the top of a hill surrounded by farms. Looking further out on the horizon, all you see is beautiful Vermont mountains. I love Vermont!


hello Alli!


Explore Burlington: Take 2

Sorry I’ve been MIA, I’ve been traveling all week. Exhausting! But a much-loved passion, so I’m happy to be exhausted from it. Last weekend was a very good friend’s birthday, and they threw quite the party in his honor. We drove down to Burlington for just that. I love this town, and the people in it just make it extra special. Not only do I get to see some of my best friends from high school, but I’ve made some new friends there who I absolutely adore. Here are some shots from the weekend!